Price of timekeeping


Price of timekeeping for time measuring and speed of cars and motorcycles at one or two gates on  ¼ mile. After agreement it is possible on other distance.
This time measurement device is used namely to measure the classic DRAG RACE races on  ¼ mile with approaching on the marker lights, automatic start with recording of the reaction time.

Measured distance is 18.3m, 100,6m, 201.2 m + speed and 402.3 m + speed.

Result of the measured ride for the racer in printed form immediately after finishing of the race or when returning to depot.
These results are on line at, further they are available on the touch screen together with the chip card reader located next the tent of the time measurement unit and of course on the large LED display over each racecourse.
Measured value, time and speed are to 3 decimal places.

The track is measured by laser distant gauge with the allowed tolerance 1mm.

This time measurement device includes the tent of the technical inspection of the vehicles where the vehicles are classified into appropriate categories and where the needed data are entered into the start list.

The racers are provided with chips that serve as start numbers and as the racer identification for start and results.

The time measurement device also included a high-performance sound distribution system of starting area and depot, wireless microphone and head set.
Water tank, megaphone, walkies-talkies, staking cones, weather stations, its own power units, steps for winners – all we have. 

Price for a complete service: 39 000 CZK (1550EUR) / day 

Transport: 1 km / 15Kč 

We are not subject to VTA.
